From Python Software Foundation:

This article is a short note on how to set up NumPy on a 64-bit Windows, and it was originally posted on Jan-Philip Gehrcke’s blog. The following steps show a very simple way to get NumPy binaries for the AMD64 architecture installed on top of CPython 3(.4). These instructions are valid only for. Aug 24, 2019  Python (64-bit) for PC – Last month Python Software Foundation was created software called Python (64-bit), a Developer Tools app for Windows. This application also compatible with Windows Vista64 / Windows 7 64 / Windows 8 64 / Windows 10 64 Operating System.

Python 2. 7 64 Bit Windows

Python (64-bit) is an object oriented programming language.
Clean syntax, high-level data structures, dynamic typing, and rich support libraries combine to make Python a very productive tool for many types of programming. Extensive support for XML, Internet protocols, data handling, and Web services is included. Several libraries for GUI development are available, as well as support of image processing, math, and data base access.

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From Python Software Foundation:

Python (64-bit) is an object oriented programming language.
Clean syntax, high-level data structures, dynamic typing, and rich support libraries combine to make Python a very productive tool for many types of programming. Extensive support for XML, Internet protocols, data handling, and Web services is included. Several libraries for GUI development are available, as well as support of image processing, math, and data base access.

Active8 years, 5 months ago

I need to install Python 2.5 for compatibility with Google App engine. I tried the .msi install, it appeared to run, but never created the directory.

From this page: I don't understand why they advertise a Itanium and AMD version, but not a regular Windows 64-bit version - or am I missing it?

Do I really need to download 'python-2.5.tgz'?

Update: I ran the AMD64 version, and same problem. I tried to install to c:Python25, and the directory does not exist after the install. A voice in my head said 'Run as Admin', but that option seems to be available on .exe's but not .msi's. After the supposed install, I can see Python in Control Panel - Programs and Features, and can unintsall it.

Update 2 note: I added this second issue as a new question here: Python install puts all files/libs in c: root directory (Windows 7 64-bit)

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1 Answer

amd64 is what you're after. AMD were the first to implement the 64-bit extension of the x86 instruction set, then others followed and created their own implementation. The name AMD64 was for marketing, and it sort of stuck. If you're looking for 64-bit software, it may be labeled as x64, 64-bit, x86-64, or amd64.

As per wikipedia:

The term x86-64 is the original naming of a 64-bit extension to the x86 instruction set specified by Advanced Micro Devices (AMD) and implemented by AMD, Intel, VIA, and others.

Python 2. 7 64 Bit Windows 10 Free Download

John TJohn T

Python Windows 2.7 Download

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Python 2. 7 64 Bit Windows 10

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