Unfortunately it’s not possible to create a local archive on a separate volume e.g. On Windows Outlook (PST File). Where does Mac Outlook 2016 stores Mails (On my Mac)? This is a total nightmare for system administrations. Jan 28, 2013  A data file can be located on your local disk or on a network path. Outlook data file types. There are four Outlook data file types: –.PST files (Personal Folder files): this is the most common format, being used by the Windows version of Outlook 2003 (or newer) to store received, sent & draft emails on your local hard disk.

  1. Pst File Location Windows 7
  2. Office 2011 Mac Pst File Location
  3. Outlook 2010 Mac Pst File Location
  4. Mac Outlook Pst File Location
  5. Mac Os X Outlook Pst File Location
  6. Import Outlook Pst Files To Windows 10

Pst File Location Windows 7

Apple OS X Mail keeps your email files in .mbox folders that you can find and open in Finder. You may never need to open those files, but it is good to know where Mac OS X Mail stores your emails in case you want to copy your mailboxes to a different computer or back them up.

Find and Open the Folder Where OS X Mail Stores Mail

To go to the folder that holds your OS X Mail messages:

  1. Open a new Finder window or click on the desktop of your Mac.

  2. Select Go in the menu bar and Go to Folder from the menu. You can also press Command > Shift > G to open this window.

  3. M audio keyrig 49 manual. If you're running macOS Mojave, type ~/Library/Mail/V6.

You can find your folders and messages in subfolders of the V5 folder. The messages are stored in .mbox folders, one per OS X Mail email folder. Open and explore these folders to discover and open or copy the emails.

Find and Open the Folder for Older Mac OS X Mail Versions

To open the folder where Mac OS X Mail versions 5 through 8 keep your messages:

  1. Select Go in the menu bar and Go to Folder from the menu.

  2. Type ~/Library/Mail/V(x), where x is the version of Mail you have. V2, V3, V4, or V5


Mac OS X Mail stores the mailboxes in subfolders to the ​Mail directory, one subfolder per account. POP accounts ​start with POP- andIMAP accounts with IMAP-.

To locate the folder where Mac OS X Mail versions 1 through 4 store mail:

  1. Open a new Finder window.

  2. Go to your home directory. by using the Home toolbar button or by selecting Go > Home from the menu bar.

  3. Open the Library/Mail directory to find your emails.

Manually archive email messages, contacts, and other items to an Outlook for Mac Data File (.olm) to easily reduce your inbox size. You can save an .olm file to any location on your Mac or on a different machine for safekeeping.

Newer versionsOffice for Mac 2011
  1. On the Tools tab, choose Export.

    Note: Don't see the Export button? Make sure you have the latest version of Outlook. On the Outlook Help menu, click Check for Updates. If all Outlook updates are applied and you still don't see the Export button, look for Export on the Outlook File menu.

  2. In the Export to Archive File (.olm) box, check the items you want to export, and choose Continue.

  3. In the Save As box, under Favorites, choose the Downloads folder, and click Save.

  4. Once your data has been exported, you'll get a notification. Choose Finish.

For information on how to access the data that you've saved in an Outlook for Mac Data File (.olm), see Import email messages, contacts, and other items into Outlook 2016 for Mac.

Office 2011 Mac Pst File Location

I want to export to iCloud or to some other type of archive file

The only export option available at this time is the .olm archive file. To request additional export options, visit the Outlook Suggestion Box to leave your feedback. The Outlook team actively monitors this forum.

See also

Note: In Outlook for Windows, older Outlook items are archived automatically on regular intervals, also known as AutoArchive. This is not available in Outlook 2011 for Mac, but you can set up your own data backup -- see Automatically archive or back up Outlook for Mac items.

Export to an Outlook for Mac Data File

Outlook 2010 Mac Pst File Location

When you export to an Outlook for Mac Data File, you can choose to filter information by category or by item type. For example, if you want to transfer networking information from your work computer to your home computer, you could export only items that you've assigned to the Networking category. Similarly, you might want to export all your contacts on your home computer and then import them on your work computer. During the export process, you can choose to keep the exported items in Outlook, or to delete them after they are exported.

  1. On the File menu, select Export > Outlook for Mac Data File.

  2. Choose to filter by category or item type. To export all items in Outlook, select Items of the following types, and then select all the check boxes.

  3. Click the right arrow to continue, and then follow the instructions. The Outlook for Mac Data File uses the .olm extension.


    • If you have a Microsoft Exchange account or directory services account, contacts from the directory are not exported. Similarly, items that are stored in public folders are not exported.

    • An Outlook for Mac Data File does not contain account settings or your Outlook preferences.

Export contacts in a tab-delimited text file

To transfer a set of contacts to another computer or application, you can export contacts as a tab-delimited text file, which can be opened by many other mail, spreadsheet, and database applications.

  1. On the File menu, click Export.

  2. In the Export Assistant, click Contacts to a list, and then follow the instructions. Tab-delimited files are saved with a .txt extension.

    Sep 30, 2015  CMUpdateReset is the tool you should try out. After running the above query, SCCM console Administration Cloud Services Updates and Services, state changed from Downloading to Available. Right click on the available SCCM vNext (2016?) service update from console and select to run prerequisite check. Sccm updates not downloading free. Apr 22, 2015  Hi, I've got one annoying system that has stopped successfully downloading the updates that I deploy from my SCCM 2012 SP1 server. This one client was working fine up until October and successfully downloaded the October 2014 patch Tuesday updates I deployed but after that it now only. I noticed the same thing about who is initiating the update.


    • If you have a Microsoft Exchange account or directory services account, contacts from the directory are not exported.

    • When you export a contact, all the information in Outlook that is related to that contact — such as mailing addresses, birthday, and notes — is included. However, some mail applications might be unable to display the contents of certain fields such as 'Spouse/Partner' and 'Interests.'

    • Encryption certificates aren't exported.

Export individual items

Mac Pst File Location

Mac Outlook Pst File Location

You can also export single items as individual files, either to have as a backup or to use in other applications.

Mac Os X Outlook Pst File Location

  1. In the item list, select the item that you want to export.

    To select multiple items, hold down as you choose each one.

  2. Drag the selection to the desktop or a folder in the Finder.


    • Email messages are exported as .eml files.

    • Contacts are exported as vCard (.vcf) files.

    • Calendar events and tasks are exported as .ics files.

    • Notes are exported as .html files.

For information on how to access the data that you've saved in an Outlook for Mac Data File (.olm), see Import a .pst file into Outlook for Mac from Outlook for Windows.

Import Outlook Pst Files To Windows 10

See also