Like it, but I have a problem.. I can not save a song! I can not export a .WAV I have tried for several days, but can't figure out what I am doing wrong. Even if I open a demo, and then say 'Save' it just gives a pop-up 'could not save song'. I would like to compose some drum patterns for songs, but if I cannot save my work ?
Lo uso desde la primerísima versión. Soy guitarrista, desde mis inicios, Hydrogen ha sido una herramienta constante e imprescindible. Gracias al todo el equipo que hizo posible esta pequeña maravilla y espero pronto compartir mis samples y música con todos ustedes. Mis mejores deseos. Mike Leviathan
This is best program I luckily stumbled upon that does exactly what I was looking to do. I am using it to program drum patterns and practice exercises. Works awesome for that. A great supplementary tool. Handy, quick and easy also for inputting tab to see if it sounds right or remotely close. Can suit these purposes for other instruments as well I suppose. I love just automating a practice routine as a song and it takes itself through different patterns and tempo changes which is real handy. I wish it had a couple of features, but I make do making simple scripts to auto edit the XML files like doing mass bpm changes. Sucks when you mess those XMLs up trying to manually edit. (There is a reason I avoid data entry work) but I have the structure pretty well learned.
I am impressed, it is perhaps the best drum machine I've experienced. Happy, the beta version is available for Windows too. Generalcost estimator for excel.
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Diving into the world of the drum software can be a lot of fun, but it can get expensive fast - this is why it's important to know exactly what each program offers. Sure, you can always go download a free drum plugin like these, but it won't be nearly as flexible or as in-depth as the ones listed down below. I just started recording guitar and would like some drums to put over my music. Is there any drum programming software out there that's cheap yet decent? I mostly play metal. Same question goes for guitar recording software currently using free version of guitar rig 5, not really diggin it. Download Hydrogen for free. An advanced drum machine with pattern-based programming. Hydrogen is an advanced drum machine for GNU/Linux, Windows and Mac OS X. It's main goal is to bring professional yet simple and intuitive pattern-based drum programming. I recently came across an exceptional free drum kit plugin called MT Power Drum Kit 2. It was once a paid plugin for $39 but now it's free, and it's easily one of the best free plugins out there.