
Autocad Vba Excel


Introduction to VBA for AutoCAD. VBA stands for Visual Basic for Applications. It is a custom version of the Visual Basic programming language that has powered AutoCAD Macros since the mid-2000s. This programming interface of AutoCAD will let you, Create and Execute Macros (explained in the next section). Almost everything that the user can do in AutoCAD from the user interface can be done by writing code in VBA for AutoCAD. This course will show you how easy it is to Export AutoCAD Drawing Information to Excel (and other Formats) using VBA. We will walk through the actual development starting from User Interface design to coding the logic behind the form and explain every single line in detail. You only need to make one change. But i have another problem. It works fine when i open autocad at first and run this code. But it can't automatically opens autocad when i run it without opening autocad. It take long time and cannot open at the end. The good news is that your code works as expected on my machine. Today I’m going to explain how you can write code in Microsoft Excel VBA that controls AutoCAD®. Firstly, let’s get VBA open in Microsoft Excel. With Excel open, press Alt+F11, which should open the VBA IDE (integrated development environment). If this doesn’t work, you can open this by going ToolsMacroVisual Basic Editor. Lee Ambrosius – Autodesk, Inc. Visual Basic for Applications (VBA) is a programming environment that allows you to automate tasks using the Visual Basic programming language. This hands-on lab explores how to access and use the VBA integrated development environment (VBAIDE) and work with the Autodesk AutoCAD object model. You can decide what Excel sheet to load, or part of a sheet. When it is done, click on OK three times and indicate the inserting point to insert the table in your Drawing. And there you have it! At every opening, the Table will update its values from the excel file. So every change made on the Excel file will reflect on the table in AutoCAD. Nov 18, 2010  VBA stands for Visual Basic for Applications. Most people reading this will probably have heard of Visual Basic, and are aware that it is a Microsoft Windows based programming language. The “for Applications” bit means that it is integrated behind the scenes in the software application you’re using, be it Word, Excel, or in our case AutoCAD.

Expand all42 lectures03:38:55
2 lectures10:35

In this lesson, you will have a high level overview of the course as well as get a glimpse of how and what AutoCAD VBA is. Also, you will get to know the advantages and benefits of using VBA.


Define the Course Content by outlining every single section of the course. From setting-up the environment, understanding AutoCAD Object Model to Debugging and Error Handling.

4 lectures21:37

Discuss the content of the course as well as the requirements for installing VBA IDE. Also, identifying the versions of AutoCAD that requires separate installation of vBA IDE Component.


Walkthrough the process of downloading the VBA IDE Component from Autodesk website and installing it.


VBA IDE Components will be discussed in detail by mentioning their respective usage and purposes in relation to your programming experience.

We will examine each of the IDE Components to learn and understand how to use them in our programming as well as know their features and usage that can be very beneficial during code development.

2 lectures12:36

We will explore the VBA Object Model Structure and understand how the objects relate to each other and how to use and easily apply them in the code. We will go through several programs to demonstrate how they are being used by going through some of the AutoCAD Objects collections.


This is a continuation of the previous lesson where we further examine some of the AutoCAD Objects collections. By the end of this section, you should be comfortable using them and work with those objects with ease.

2 lectures15:35

This video will explain what are the data types to be stored in a variable and how to declare them. Also, this video explains how to consume, concatenate and watch values of the variables.


This video will walk you through how to use variables with different data types. You will see 5 different programs that covers every single datatype. Judy blume books free read.

9 lectures01:05:36

This video gives the high level overview of different controls and outline the list of Controls to be explored further and see how they work in action.


This video explores the Label, Textbox and CommandButton Controls in a simple program. It also explains the User Form and show you how to play with the Control's Properties.


Autocad Vba Read Data From Excel

This video will show you how to use the ListBox Control and how it gets populated with all the layers in the drawing.


This video will show you how to use the ComboBox Control. You will also learn how to retrieve the LineTypes in the drawing as it is being added in the ComboBox Control.


This video explores and explains the usage of CheckBox Control in a program.


This tutorial explores the OptionButton Control and compares its usage with the CheckBox Control.


This video explores the MultiPage Control in detail and uses it in the example program to generate an Audit Type Report for all the Fixtures and Doors in the drawing.


This video is a continuation of the previous one and extends its functionality by creating another page for Electrical Components.


Frame Control is very useful in grouping different controls in a single container. This video will show you how to use it when you are designing the form.

6 lectures23:07

Lists and explains the different conditions and decisions and operators (both Conditional and Logical) that will be explored further in the succeeding videos.


This video will show you how to use the if-then-else condition in the actual program using the InputBox to receive value from the user's input.


Sometimes there are more conditions in the program. This is where the if-then-elseif condition comes in. This video will show you how to use it by validating/checking the object type selected from the drawing.


This video will show you how to use different conditional operators in an actual program. You will have a good understanding how those conditional operators work and how to use them accordingly.


There are cases where you have to validate the program in more than one condition. This is where the logical operator works. This video will show you how to use AND, OR and NOT operators.


Another way of handling different conditions is by using Select Case Statement. This video will show you how to use it in the program.

5 lectures13:11

This video explains the 4 ways of using Looping and Iterations in your program. You will have a high level understanding on those 4 different ways.


This video will show you how to use the Do-While Loop in the program by looping through the objects in the AutoCAD drawing. You will learn how to loop through the selection set as well as how to use the counter.


This video will show you how to use the Do-Until loop and describe the differences with the Do-While Loop.


This video will show you how to use the For.Next Loop. It is the simplest form of looping in VBA and you will see it in action.


This is a very interesting video where you will see how to use the for-each-next looping structure by going through each of the Layer in the AutoCAD Dictionary. Also presented is how to loop through the LineTypes in the drawing.

6 lectures26:03

This video provides a high level overview of objects to be drawn in this section.


This video will show you one way of drawing a Line object based on 2 points that uses the Getpoint function.


This video will walk you through how to get input from the user. Also, you will learn how to validate the values entered. You will learn lots of programming techniques from this video.


This video will show you how to draw a circle by using the Getpoint and Getreal Utility functions.


Autocad Vba Export To Excel

This video will show you how to draw a Text object by getting the values from the user's input using Getstring, Getpoint and Getreal Utility functions.

Aug 22, 2019  VLC is an open source product developed by VideoLAN Project licensed under GNU GPL v2. The VLC Media Player source code is also available for download from Download.com. Download vlc player for window. VLC for Windows VLC is a free and open source cross-platform multimedia player and framework that plays most multimedia files as well as DVDs, Audio CDs, VCDs, and various streaming protocols. VLC is a free and open source cross-platform multimedia player and framework that plays most multimedia files, and various streaming protocols.


This video will show you how to draw both Lightweight and Heavyweight Polylines. You will also learn how to declare an array of doubles that will be used as a storage for the vertices.

3 lectures15:15

This video gives you the high level overview each topic to be covered in this section.

Autocad Vba Export Text To Excel


In this video, we will walk through the actual code debugging using the complete application to draw a text based on the user's input. You will also learn how to make changes on the Form control based on the user's action.


This is a continuation of previous video. This also show you how to create a separate sub method by calling it from the Click event code generated by the form. You will also learn how to step through/over/out of the code.

2 lectures14:37

This video lists all the different ways of handling error in VBA. This also outlines the types of error that VBA have. The Err object is also mentioned.


Autocad + Vba + Excel Pdf

This video will walk you through the process of handling error and how to remediate or fix them once encountered. This will also give you some technique on how to accept or validate user's input.


Acad Vba Excel

This example subroutine finds all the block references in the current drawing.

Autocad Vba Excel Application

It then finds the attributes attached to those block references and lists them in an Excel spreadsheet. To run this example, do the following:

Vba Autocad Excel Library

  1. Open a drawing containing block references with attributes. (The sample drawing sample/activeX/attrib.dwg contains such block references.)
  2. At the AutoCAD Command prompt, enter VBAIDE and press Enter.

    The VBA IDE is displayed.

  3. In the VBA IDE, on the menu bar, click the Tools menu References.
  4. In the References dialog box, select Microsoft Excel <version_number> Object Model. Click OK.
  5. Copy the following subroutine into a VBA Code window and run it.

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